Children’s playgrounds

Kuhmo has many different and fun playgrounds. One of the newest can be found at the sports center (Martinpolku 4). There are new fitness equipment: ab machine, back extension, seated lat pull, and seated press. For children, there are various play, climbing, and exercise structures.

  1. Akonlahti playground and ice-skating ring
  2. Sormula playground
  3. Saarikoski playground
  4. Keitaala playground
  5. Maakunnanranta playground
  6. Park
  7. Levälahti playground
  8. Piilola playground
  9. Peikkovuori playground
  10. Kalevala playground

The local activity area at Tuupala School (Peuranpolku 1) is open for public use outside school hours. The area includes outdoor gym equipment, a multifunctional arena, swings, and climbing structures, as well as an asphalt area for activities like scootering