Urho Kähkönen hoitaa lampaita Vanhan pihlajan puutarhassa
Places of interest
Around its geographically vast land, Kuhmo offers plenty of cultural and historical sites to explore for several days. Kuhmo is home to the Kalevala Centre — Juminkeko, where you will find one of the world’s largest Kalevala collections as well as temporary and permanent Kalevala-themed exhibitions.

Untold Arctic Wars – Digital War History Exhibition in Kuhmo
Kuhmon kaupunki Väinämöinen 4, 88900 Kuhmo Get to know more
Kuhmo Arts Centre
Kiinteistöosakeyhtiö Kuhmon kulttuuritalo Koulukatu 1, 88900 Kuhmo Get to know moreJuminkeko Kalevala Exhibitions
Kontionkatu 25
Kuhmo city library
Pajakkakatu 2
Tuupala museum
Tervatie 1
Kuhmo Arts Centre
Koulukatu 1
Kuhmo Winter War Museum
Väinämöinen 11
Viena Gate
Kostamustie 5645
Finnish Elves Workshop
Koljosentie 166
Kuhmo Church
Kirkkotie 11
Lentiira Church
Lentiiran kirkkotie 51
Pajakka rapids
Hyrynsalmentie 7
Lentua rapids and Lentua Lake
Niska-ahontie 200
Harakkasaari (island)
Kaesa café and bakery
Kainuuntie 87
Mythical Hiidenportti National Park
Väinämöinen 9
The Church of Karelian Enlighteners
Koulukatu 47