Autumn is a time for letting go and moving towards a new cycle. The fall foliage is like the last burst of color before the onset of the dark season. The fall colors begin in autumn as the light diminishes and temperatures drop, causing plants to stop photosynthesizing.
Kuhmo offers excellent spots to observe the changing fall colors. The fall color season in Kainuu begins slightly later than in Northern Finland, and in Southern Finland, it starts about a month later compared to Lapland. The vibrancy and display of fall colors vary from year to year, place to place, and species to species. Each year, the spectacle of colorful trees, ground vegetation, and shrubs is slightly different. The fall color season is often long, but it usually has a more spectacular short period. One of the most influential factors in the onset of fall colors is the length of the day. Although predicting the peak of the brightest colors is difficult, the most spectacular phase of the fall season often occurs around the same time each year.
From the Jauhovaara lookout platform, you can admire the fall colors from above. The Jauhovaaran nature trail is a versatile destination for autumn and fall foliage hikers, where you can admire the colors from the lookout platform, in the swamp, and among the steep slopes and lowland shrubs. Additionally, the diverse swamps, lush stream banks, lake and pond shores, and mossy spruce forests of the Elimyssalo nature reserve invite visitors.

Ground foliage colors start slightly before the trees’ fall colors. Ground foliage is beautifully displayed in the shrubs, blueberry and bog bilberry leaves, and swamps. Even near the center of Kuhmo, there are swamps to observe. One of the most easily accessible swamp areas is located in the Kalevala area, near Hotel Kalevala, the Winter War Museum, the Untold Arctic Wars Exhibition, the Cafe Torilla restaurant, and the Kuhmo Nature Center Petola. The area’s disc golf course runs close to the swamp. Other swamps in the area have been used by local sports clubs for activities such as swamp soccer. The Kalevala ridge area is an excellent local hiking destination. The Hepokangas loop offers fascinating nature experiences both on foot and by bike.

Around the fall foliage season is a good time to gather funnel chanterelles and cranberries. Lingonberry season is likely before the fall foliage season. Late September and early October are the times for cranberries and mushrooms to appear. The gathering season extends further into autumn. Every local seems to have their favorite berry and mushroom spots. A novice berry picker or mushroom hunter might be pleasantly surprised to find berries and mushrooms while hiking. For those camping in nature, berries provide a wonderful fresh addition to the morning porridge.

Whether you have your own berries stored in the freezer or not, you can taste fresh, locally sourced flavors in local restaurants.

Birches, rowans, and aspens are magnificent in their colorful foliage. As the fall foliage season fades, you can still find the last holdouts under street lamps, where birches keep their green leaves longer. On dry land, you’ll find more colorful trees than in damp environments. The trees along Kuhmo’s waterfront trail are like candies. The fallen red leaves create a festive path to walk on. Colorful trees line the entire lakeside path Rantaraitti, and the colors are emphasized as they reflect off the water’s surface. The yellow color in leaves forms from the breakdown of chlorophyll, while the red color is produced by the trees themselves.

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Suomen Luonto, 8/2016. Minkä kasvin ruska-asu on upein? 6.10.2016.